What if you could send a message back to your childhood self? What would you say?  Would you of listened?

This month Compassion International is sponsoring a blog month and I’ve decided to participate.  The goal is to raise awareness about children living in poverty and to inspire YOU to sponsor a child or if you all ready do, to encourage someone else to change a child’s life.  I wrote all about my sponsored child, Suriya here.

Anyways back to the question.  What would I say?

Dear 10 year old self,

You have been created for a purpose.  Even though it would be really nice to be one of those popular kids, you have a greater mission in life. Ignore the hurtful words, and continue to strive to be the best person that you can be.  God has really exciting things in store for you. Things that you can barely imagine, but stay focused on what truly matters: God, family, friends.

Dream big, and never let someone tell you that you can’t. Because you can.

Encourage those around you. Be a friend to the friendless. And keep a smile on, because its contagious and will brighten the day.  Remember, you are special because God created you for a purpose that only you have the power to accomplish.

Have you ever noticed that as kids, we are encouraged to dream big. Reach for the stars. Nothing is out of reach.9

But as we get older, that tone changes. Be realistic. Just get a job. Dreaming doesn’t get the work done.

What happened people?  Why the discouragement? Why the doubt?

Imagine how different the world would be if we hadn’t changed our minds about those dreams. How would your life be different?

What would you tell your childhood self?