Ignite Your Faith by Trusting God

This last weekend, Luke and I took 9 youth to WOW, a youth conference.  There were 2500 kids there ranging from Middle School to High School.  The theme of the event was Ignite. Ignite Your Faith What does that even mean?   The definition of ignite is To set on...

Luxury (January 2009)

Luxury, what does that word bring to mind? At home, thoughts of swimming pools, fancy cars, big houses, maid service, etc may have come to mind.  But not anymore!  Now those things sound more ridiculous than a “luxury” I’d want!  I’ve been away...

Moringa: The Miracle Tree

The Moringa is also called The Miracle Tree.  It is a fast growing native of Northwestern India, but has been spread throughout Africa and other semi-arid or tropical lands.  Moringa is known to have a wide range of uses from nutrition to medicines to fencing.  Every...