We have found ourselves in late winter, with flurries of snow, chilly winds, and snuggling up to the stove or in our sleeping bags.  It seems like just yesterday we were wiping sweat, wishing for an air conditioner in the heat of Africa.  Somehow, we have managed to miss the worst of winter, unless we consider a few days in China. . .  Then fast forward into summer (Africa), into perfect spring weather (India), and now back to end of winter.  Here are some pictures from our village.

From sarahdiederich.theworldrace.orgFrom sarahdiederich.theworldrace.orgFrom sarahdiederich.theworldrace.org
From sarahdiederich.theworldrace.orgFrom sarahdiederich.theworldrace.orgUkraineUkraineFrom sarahdiederich.theworldrace.orgFrom sarahdiederich.theworldrace.org
UkraineUkraineFrom sarahdiederich.theworldrace.orgUkraineUkraineUkraine