Praise God for what He is doing within our team and our squad.  The last several days have brought us closer and has began to build a bond that is unbreakable.  My family, the Transformers, are transforming into the roles that Christ has determined from the beginning.  We have been given opportunities that are manifesting our spiritual gifts and preparing us for the spiritual warfare we are and will be fighting.  These experiences of battle have blown our “boxed” faith out of our minds and into true faith and obedience.

“He replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lighting from heaven.  I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.'” Luke 10: 18-20

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4

It has been prophesied over our squad that we have been set apart from others, that we are different and special, that God is going to use us in huge ways.  Ways that we cannot comprehend.  We have been praying that God will not only prepare us, but will begin to challenge us, to make us uncomfortable, to fill us with more of Him and to fill us with His awesome power.  For some, the events of the last couple nights would be a reminder to “watch what you pray for”.  But for us, it was with joy and excitement that God chose to reveal His power and truth through us.

As I share some of my experience, I pray that you will give glory to God, that you will not doubt the infinite power that God is capable of, and that you will see the joy of “getting dirty” for the Kingdom and know that there is no reason to fear because God has already won the ultimate battle.  Also, remember that God will not push us past what our faith can handle and that He has complete control!

Thursday as I was falling asleep, I prayed and covered myself with the Armor of God.  Since I had not memorized this scripture, I am surprised that I remembered each piece, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet with readiness of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.  Looking back, I realized I’d forgotten the helmet of salvation, though necessary; maybe this piece was already fulfilled since all present were believers.  Not long after, I heard a scream, and my mind jumped to Alex who had been sick all afternoon.  I found her lying on the bathroom floor shaking and moaning.  By instinct I began praying, praying things that my “boxed” faith and understanding never would have been capable of, praying for things I never expected to witness or especially be used by God for.

My prayers were focused on casting out evil and darkness, in Jesus’ name.  I was instantly reassured in this prayer when Alex calmed some and became more coherent.  Her whispered exclamations of feeling like she was going crazy, of this never happening before, of being so sorry, began to slow down.  Kyla, Helen, and I prayed over her and we sang, “Trading my Sorrows” and even laughed together.  This dramatic, unexpected occurrence of spiritual conflict, became a moment of healing and of bonding that would not have been possible otherwise.  The Holy Spirit is resting on each of us, we have witnessed His mind-blowing power within only 3 weeks of this trip, and so we can only imagine what this year has in store for us.  I pray that God will continue to make us uncomfortable, that He will continue to bestow His power upon us, and that He will use us for His glory and to bring the Kingdom of God to earth!

P.S. For more information about this event and others, check out Alex Herrera’s blog “How to Save a Life” and Lindsay Heston’s blog “Let the Healing Begin”!