Traditions are a part of every Christmas.  No matter where we come from or language we speak, there are Christmas traditions that make the holidays our own.  Growing up on a farm created traditions for my family, that not many other families or particularly kids would understand.  When us kids woke up Christmas morning, there was no running to the Christmas tree and ripping open presents.  We would try to wait as long as we could, probably somewhere before 6am to wake up mom and dad.  Then dad had to feed and check the cows.  While he was outside, we would do our best to hide our eyes and keep from peeking at our stockings or under the tree.

Once dad came in, we were each allowed to get our stocking, which was usually overflowing, to bring into the family room near the tree, which was of course surrounded by gifts.  Stockings have always been my favorite tradition, pulling out little presents, lottery tickets, candy, etc.  Then we started in on the gifts, but we always took our time and did our best to open one at a time, which got easier the older we got!

Childhood Christmas

Another tradition memory involved going to the midnight candlelight service at church.  Although it took many years before any of us kids were able to stay awake through the entire service, there was always a sense of awe and wonder that left me marveling in the birth of Jesus.
Nora hanging ornamentFamily Christmas

What are your favorite Christmas traditions from your childhood?  Have you been able to maintain those or have you created new traditions?