-That we have the freedom to worship our God in whatever way He leads us, standing with hands raised, dancing, kneeling with our face to the ground, all to glorify our Father.
-God has/is revealing more of Himself to us in ways many of us never expected or even understand.
-God has complete control and will not leave us in times of trial or hardships.  He knows what our faith can handle!

Prayer Requests
 -That all will know the grace that God wants to use in our lives, that is available to every person.  Nothing is too big for God.
-For God to prepare the hearts of those we come in contact with, and will show us who to minister to.
-That we will seek the Lord in every decision, every moment, that we will listen to His voice and most importantly obey
-That our hears will break for the things that break God’s heart and that we will see through His eyes
-God’s grace to eat anything put before me!
-For health, strength, awareness

Jesus, thank you so much for the people that you have put in my life.  Thank you for every person that has had an impact, no matter how small, that has created the person I am today.  I pray for healing and grace in each of their lives and that you will show them how to love with your heart and how to see the world through your eyes.  God I want these people, who mean so much to me, to see and experience the things that you are transforming in my life.  I want you to break them out of the boxed faith that is so easy for us to stay in so that you can rock their world with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus, I want more of you, keep pushing me, keep challenging me.  Show me what it means to hear your voice and have complete obedience.  You are all knowing, you see the big picture.  God, I was born to worship and glorify you no matter what the cost.  That is such a hard prayer.  Help us to have the faith to understand the things that we cannot wrap our minds around.  I pray for protection over all I know and that you will grant them the confidence to know that you have already won this spiritual battle.  We are on the winning side! Praise God!  In Jesus’ holy name, Amen!!